Author name: Anton Silvers

Hi My name is Anton and I am the founder of Micro Fusion Computers (MFC), a professional system administrator, web developer and programmer experiences in C# and Qt C++. With over 20 years experience in the Information Technology fields ranging from Windows, Linux, UNIX and Mac OS X. I custom build high performance gaming systems and servers alike. Over the years I have contributed to numerous projects from programming, to server system implementations, gaming LAN events, prototyping robotics and electronic designs of all sorts. I have a passion for technology.

Old PC Computers

Repurpose Your Old PC: 10 New Uses

With technology advancing at a rapid pace, many of us find ourselves with an old PC that are no longer able to keep up with the demands of modern software. Instead of letting these outdated machines gather dust or contribute to electronic waste, there are numerous creative ways to give them new life.

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